Room for Imagination – QFY 446

Room for Imagination – QFY 446

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Einstein famously said. Why? Because our knowledge is known. Its safe. Its what is. What we don’t yet know is on the other side of knowledge. And imagination is the bridge between the two. Imagination can get us to what we don’t yet know. By opening our minds, we become curious. And once we are curious, we begin searching. And soon we are on the other side – with new skills, new knowledge and closer to our purpose.

When identity gets in the way – QFY 445

When identity gets in the way – QFY 445

Our identity is part of us but rarely do we think about it. When we get defensive, however, it can be a sign that our identity feels threatened. And when we then argue based on our emotions, our identity gets in the way of a healthy dialogue that should be based on logic instead of feelings. If we leave our identity out more, I believe it will serve us better in our human interactions. Especially, since our identity cannot be trusted as a source of truth. 

Why the Quest For You – QFY 444

Why the Quest For You – QFY 444

Why the Quest For You? After over 400 episodes I figured we should talk about my purpose with my vision. The quest for you is the return to yourself. Instead of looking to the outside to give you direction for your life, you look within. You listen to yourself and what you like and then you go out into the world and play, experiment and discover. I lost myself in all the distractions this world has to offer. But I found myself when I tuned it all out and instead follow my inner guidance system, This is the journey I am on, and this is the journey I want to invite you to join.

Weakness of will – QFY 442

Weakness of will – QFY 442

I came across the concept of Akrasia, which means “weakness of will.” It happens when we procrastinate, when we don’t do what we say we will do, when we fail to follow through.

Often we are good about following up with our promises to others. But what about the promises we make to ourselves? Our goals, our commitments and our dreams. We delay them, we push them off, and we don’t give them the importance they deserve. Because we like the idea about a future goal, but we dislike the actual discomfort associated with the short-term change. 

Nature is medicine – QFY 441

Nature is medicine – QFY 441

Now that summer is here, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, we don’t have an excuse anymore to not get out. Nature was always part of my life as a child, but then I was distracted by other things for many years. My quest for me has led me back to nature again as place of rest, healing and restoration. Nature just is, and teaches us to just be. We don’t need to do anything special – nature is completely free and available for everyone. And yet, we so often forget about it because we are chasing other distractions. 

The tunnel of uncertainty – QFY 440

The tunnel of uncertainty – QFY 440

Before we begin something new, it can feel like we are entering a dark tunnel. We are uncertain what lies ahead. We are scared and don’t know if we can do it. But for every BEFORE, there is an AFTER. Every tunnel has two ends. The darkness is in the middle and only lasts for a while. As long as we keep moving along, we will eventually reach the other end.

Recall anything you difficult you ever started or that you were faced with. Eventually you made it through. Like a tunnel you drive through. 

Every action defines who we are – QFY 439

Every action defines who we are – QFY 439

Every action defines us. While our intentions may be positive, they count little. People see our actions. They hear our words. And they come to expect patterns from us they have seen in the past. Whether we like it or not – we are defined by the things we do and fail to do. If we want to change who we are, good intentions are not enough. We need to align our actions with our intentions. 

Letting go of old beliefs – QFY 438

Letting go of old beliefs – QFY 438

A short story offers a powerful message – our old beliefs hold us back. Some of them are so engrained in us, that we don’t even notice how they influence our daily lives. Some of these beliefs are outdated, no longer applicable, and don’t support our new goals. Some are simply not true. Maybe we picked them up long time ago and never questioned them. If we are not making the progress we wish to see, if we don’t accomplish what we set out to do, it may be time to check if we are marching to the drum of old beliefs that restrict us from reaching the next level.

Don’t make friends with the elephant trainer – QFY 437

Don’t make friends with the elephant trainer – QFY 437

A famous Sufi saying inspired this episode. And it inspired me to think about how many times I have been the source of the problems in my life by inviting the “elephant trainer” into my house – i.e. the person causing all the issues. There is no need to blame these people. They are who they are. The one to blame is us – we need to be clear about our needs and our expectations. Just because a person is good, kind and generous doesn’t mean they meet our needs.

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