Will this matter? This is a question we need to ask ourselves more often – when we get frustrated with minor occurrences or when we don’t get what we hoped for. Will this matter tomorrow, a year from now? This is a question that helps us distinguish the small stuff that we often sweat from the big things we need to shift our focus to.
We decide over what bother us. As much as we want to blame the other person or the unfavorable circumstance, which may have triggered us, we are in charge of the response. And quite often, the best response is to not do anything. Instead of wasting valuable time and energy on trivial matters, we should spend it on those that do matter.
When it comes to our goals, we often give up control to easily. We let our environment decide what we can and cannot do. We have to remind ourselves that we are in control of our time and our decisions. We select what is important minute by minute. And if we don’t get to make progress in the areas that matter to us, then its time we begin to manage them more intentionally.
Walks can seem insignificant. As an exercise, they don’t seem tough enough. As way to get out of the house, they may not appear adventurous enough. And they may sound boring and time-consuming. Yet I have found that there is magic in walking. A few quiet minutes away from our tasks and alone with ourselves can bring answers, ideas and balance. A walk may be just what we need when everything else seems to much.
Lunar New is a holiday celebrated by millions and this year is the year of the rat. Its a special year of new beginnings and special opportunities. Let yourself be inspired by this ancient tradition, which I summarize in this episode, and go after your goals and dreams knowing you are set up for success this year.
Sometimes we don’t feel worthy in certain areas of our life. This often means that there is a gap between what we want and what we are getting. This is a sign that we need to take action and speak up. Worthiness doesn’t come magically by telling ourselves we deserve it. We actually have to do something about it.
When you find people that have the same aspirations as you, your chance of reaching your goals and dreams is much higher than attempting it alone. Often our close friends are not the ones that support us with our wild ideas. We have to make the bold move and go out there and meet those people.
When life doesn’t go the way we hoped, we often struggle adapting. I have been playing with a technique that looks at the worst case scenario first. And I have found, that the worst option is a) not as bad as we think, and b) rarely happens.
Have you ever been told that you’re wasting someone’s time? I bet this was tough. Here are a few thoughts on this idea, which is only a mechanism to shift blame. We all are responsible for our time and cannot expect others to make it worth it.
The secret to success is not really a secret. Its quite obvious, but sometimes we don’t see it because we don’t want to. Thats when we start searching for miracles in the most complicated places, while the answer, the secret, is right in front of us. Tune in to this episode to find out what the secret to success is 😉
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.