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Inspiration follows reflection as the next step on your Quest For You.

We allow ourselves to dream.

We look for ideas that moves us and motivates us to try something new.

Recent Episodes

When things fall apart – Quest For You 591

Things have fallen apart lately quite a bit for all of us. Pema Chödrön’s book offers a light that can help us see in the darkness. And it begins with us. We have to change our grasping for safety and need for control and learn to see the lessons within the challenges before us.  Things falling apart then becomes good news, because it offers us the opportunity to begin again.

Intimacy with Fear – Quest For You 589

Who likes to talk about fear? The things that worry or scare us are better kept hidden. The problem is, fears find another way to show up. Sadly, that way may be less manageable – anger, jealousy, stress. There is an alternative that Pema Chödrön calls intimacy with fears. Its a befriending and a welcoming of those things that scare us, so we can see what they show us about ourselves and learn to move forward with them. 

Becoming an Essentialist – Quest For You 588

Tune in as I am sharing some key insights gained from reading Essentialism, a book that reminded me again that I have more control over my life than I often think. Especially during these difficult times, we are distracted more than ever and getting the important goals done can be hard. This book is packed with tips on how to gain control over our life and the things that matter to us.

Wise Hope – Quest For You 574

Hope can sometimes feel overly optimistic. But total negativity on the other hand also doesn’t seem right. Whats a hope that is active and engaged? Lets learn about wise hope. Wise hope encourages us to stay aware and involved, while recognizing our limitations. Wise hope is a good middle ground that keeps is mindful and present. 

Are we becoming kinder? – Quest For You 565

Have you observed a trend towards more kindness and generosity in your community? People are stepping up by sharing their content more freely and being more available. There might be a correlation between peace and love. While we are forced into peace, we are reaching out and extending more love. We are seeking connection with others and I believe we are (finally) more proactive about it and more compassionate with each other. Its a good trend. 

Finding opportunity in this moment – Quest For You 561

Just as if a long-term relationship just ended, I have a hard time accepting my new reality. Yet, I realized that this is exactly what I need to do in order to move forward. Wishing for my old life to return keeps me hanging on to a past that will not come back. Without accepting, I can’t move forward. And most importantly, I will miss the opportunity that lies in this moment. 

10 mantras for peace – Quest For You 552

The uncertainty we are all currently facing presents a war-like scenario within ourselves. Stress and anxiety go up, potentially leading to panic and depression. We need to find peace. Sounds easier said, than done, I know. I have the same battle within me. Meditation has helped me to accept what is. And the 10 mantras of peace recently shared with me by my company CEO also are very helpful. Enjoy them, take them in, listen to them as often as need be. Until you find some peace. 

Our beloved devices – Quest For You 547

We love our devices and depend on them. But they can give us a false sense of connectedness. Especially social media makes us feel like we belong to a larger group of people. But real connection happens one on one. Those are the humans we interact with in their entirety – not just via words on a screen. We don’t show who we are on our devices, we only express ourselves. To establish meaningful connections, we need to put our phone away and speak to the person next to us on the bus.

What makes you feel alive – Quest For You 541

I spent a recent weekend without major plans and went with the flow. And it turned out to be a wonderful weekend, where I felt present and alive. Sometimes we become overly focused on one or two endeavors only, and we neglect the other parts of our life that also bring us joy. Its important to change up the routine once in a while to see if there is something else that may need our attention.

Just like chocolate – Quest For You 536

If we treated our loved ones the way we treat an exquisite piece of chocolate, I believe our relationships would improve. The presence and the mindfulness that we bring when we savor food is the same we need to bring to the exchanges with the people in our life. Because without continued effort, those relationships lose spark and we lose interest. 

Magic Walks – QFY 530

Walks can seem insignificant. As an exercise, they don’t seem tough enough. As way to get out of the house, they may not appear adventurous enough. And they may sound boring and time-consuming. Yet I have found that there is magic in walking. A few quiet minutes away from our tasks and alone with ourselves can bring answers, ideas and balance. A walk may be just what we need when everything else seems to much. 

Happy Lunar New Year – QFY 529

Lunar New is a holiday celebrated by millions and this year is the year of the rat. Its a special year of new beginnings and special opportunities. Let yourself be inspired by this ancient tradition, which I summarize in this episode, and go after your goals and dreams knowing you are set up for success this year.  

I publish episodes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Subscribe now so you don’t miss them

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Choose this step and empower yourself to become the person you desire to be!

Quest For You is a journey that consists of 4 stages:

Reflection, Inspiration, Direction, and Action.

To move from discovering WHO WE ARE to WHO WE WANT TO BE takes time.

We reflect, we seek information, we experiment, and then we take action.

My episodes accompany you on this quest.

You can filter them by category depending on the guidance you seek.

  • If you are wondering, seeking, asking questions, start with Reflection.
  • If you are brainstorming next steps, look under Inspiration.
  • If you need help reaching your target, go to Direction
  • And if you need encouragement on your new path, check under Action.

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