Darkness does not mean its all negative and the end is near. Often it is through darkness that we find the light. Darkness can show us what we are capable of. It can also help us become stronger for the next steps ahead.
Many of us are struggling with focus these days because to many issues, and all important, want our attention. It can be overwhelming and may result in fatigue and complete disorientation. My time out in nature has taught me how to find some focus again our current, often uncertain lives.
Join me in this wonderful conversation with Amana Harris, the Executive Director of the Attitudinal Healing Connection in Oakland. In a time when more people feel lost and disoriented, Amana offers another way: Love. We have love already within us and we can choose it every day.
Learn more about her impactful work at the AHC and allow yourself to shine your light onto this world with your gifts.
This is a special time for all of us – to listen and see what it is we need to learn. And then use our new understanding and make better decisions going forward.
A short but important message during a difficult time: Shine your light for the world to see. Lets make being human great again. Bring your gift to the world and help make it a better place. We all need it.
Love is always available to us. When the right words don’t come. When we struggle with people and circumstances. Love is always an option. Just with a few deep breaths, we can connect to the love that we all have inside of us. And when we bring it out into the world, we help others find their love as well.
When I think of the moments in my life that I consider perfect, I realize that they teach me something very important: Life is always perfect. I just need to take a more proactive approach. It starts with my thoughts. And when times are less favorable, I can still always find something good.
Life currently is pretty uncomfortable for most of us. Yet, we continually should challenge ourselves and expose ourselves to just a bit more discomfort. I realized than a new challenge, even a small one, distracts me from my worries and makes me feel more alive. Listen to this replay episode originally published as in Episode 467 and see if you can tackle something new that will help you grow.
Somehow we all adopted the new catchy phrase The New Normal, as if it were that easy to just jump from old to new. I think letting go is easier said than done. We grief over what we lost, especially if it mattered. Lets talk about the importance of a transition and allowing our feelings to be present for that.
Hope can sometimes feel overly optimistic. But total negativity on the other hand also doesn’t seem right. Whats a hope that is active and engaged? Lets learn about wise hope. Wise hope encourages us to stay aware and involved, while recognizing our limitations. Wise hope is a good middle ground that keeps is mindful and present.
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.