This moment is new – Quest For You 553

This moment is new – Quest For You 553

Every day these days I wake up feeling like its a brand new day. In absence of my regular routine, my plans and my appointments, I need to gather strength and courage to get my days moving along in a productive way. But I can also look at it as a new opportunity to do something different. To use the time I have in a new way. To change my approach, and come out of my routine-driven thinking and think in different, more creative ways. 

10 mantras for peace – Quest For You 552

10 mantras for peace – Quest For You 552

The uncertainty we are all currently facing presents a war-like scenario within ourselves. Stress and anxiety go up, potentially leading to panic and depression. We need to find peace. Sounds easier said, than done, I know. I have the same battle within me. Meditation has helped me to accept what is. And the 10 mantras of peace recently shared with me by my company CEO also are very helpful. Enjoy them, take them in, listen to them as often as need be. Until you find some peace. 

We are all in this together – Quest For You 551

We are all in this together – Quest For You 551

An unscripted episode during an unscripted time. An unprecedented time, a difficult time. And yet, I still want to bring you a few thoughts that I am encouraging you to write out. In this strange time I don’t find it so easy to just read or learn a language, as so many people now recommend. Its normal to be worried. What helps me is to write my worries out, and then give them a time limit each day. And then, I try to shine, in whatever way I can. The connection with others is critical now that we are more physically isolated than ever before.

Tips for challenging times – Quest For You 549

Tips for challenging times – Quest For You 549

These are uncertain times, when its easy to get lost in worry and become stressed out about the future. But with this episode, I want to help us get centered and focused on the one thing we can control – our inner state. And with just a few shifts in our thinking and our daily actions, we can get back on our path, despite the turmoil we are facing. This is a much-needed episode for many of us who are struggling to find meaning in everything that is happening at the moment.

The case of coronavirus – Quest For You 548

The case of coronavirus – Quest For You 548

This is a time of great concern and with this episode I want to bring you the critical facts I believe we need to know to be proactively prepared. 

We don’t need to panic, but we also cannot ignore this virus. And even if it disappears tomorrow, we need this dress rehearsal to be prepared for future epidemics, which are guaranteed to come. Take basic precautions and be safe.

Our beloved devices – Quest For You 547

Our beloved devices – Quest For You 547

We love our devices and depend on them. But they can give us a false sense of connectedness. Especially social media makes us feel like we belong to a larger group of people. But real connection happens one on one. Those are the humans we interact with in their entirety – not just via words on a screen. We don’t show who we are on our devices, we only express ourselves. To establish meaningful connections, we need to put our phone away and speak to the person next to us on the bus.

Quest Stories: Be open to inspiration – QFY 546

Quest Stories: Be open to inspiration – QFY 546

Cathy Luchetti is an author who published 10 books, and is now working on the 11th one which we touch on in the episode. Her focus for most of those works has been the stories of the people of the American frontier, a term she defines in this episode. She has chronicled stories of women and men, their daily lives and struggles in a way that had not been done before and even caught the attention of former First Lady Laura Bush. But what fascinated me the most was everything we shared. Here I am, in the house of a person I have never met, and we both deeply appreciate some of the same things –
o We both know Texas, where Cathy grew up and an appreciation for the desert
o We both enjoy the outdoors, and most interestingly, be both love climbing
 Cathy has summited peaks as high as 20,000 ft
o we talk about our love for being outside, but also the conflicts it brings when it puts us behind on our work
o my favorite author is also Cathy’s favorite author and you’ll have to listen to find out who it is
Cathy, like many others I have interviewed, has travelled near and far. She, on the other hand, has brought not only material mementos back from her trip, but she has also shown an interest in other cultures, and then incorporates her learnings into her books. What a great way to travel.
In many ways, Cathy is a self-starter. The adventures she undertook didn’t fall in her lap. She stepped into them with some courage and a willingness to learn, and then she remained persistent and figured out a way to make them work for her. Don’t we face situations like that as well in our life? Why not try the same – be open-minded and willing to be a little bit uncomfortable and then see where inspiration takes us.

Conditioning your mind – Quest For You 545

Conditioning your mind – Quest For You 545

Conditioning our mind is training our brain like we train our biceps in the gym. We direct our thoughts repeatedly into the direction we want them to go. We envision an end goal like we do with our bodies. Often we are not aware where our mind is at. This may have us focused on areas that are not necessarily a major priority.  We need to be clear what we want and then we need to dedicate time daily to focus. Even though we have dreams and hopes – if we don’t think about them, they are are not likely to come to fruition. 

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