Conversations with yourself – Quest For You 573

Conversations with yourself – Quest For You 573

All this alone time has taught me how to have more conversations with myself. These are more than just self talk. They are actual inquiries into my heart. I seek stillness in nature, and then I ask questions. And quite surprisingly, after a dialog with myself, I obtain answers. These then give me more clarity and direction for my life. 

Look for meaning – Quest For You 572

Look for meaning – Quest For You 572

Looking for the positives in a tough situation can be hard. When there is sadness, we need to allow it to be. And then we can look for meaning in the circumstance. We can look at what we have available to us, and what we can do with that. The search for meaning requires asking questions, having a conversation with ourselves, and some experimentation. But that keeps us engaged. And that will take us somewhere and not keep us stuck. 

Quest Stories: Conflict is an opportunity – QFY 571

Quest Stories: Conflict is an opportunity – QFY 571

Join me for a deep and mindful conversation with Charlie Rebich, creator of Beyond Polarization, a project that aims to help us communicate better despite opposing viewpoints. In this interview you will learn that conflict does’t have to polarize us. Instead we can learn how to dance with it and thereby improve our relationships. Charlie shares simple mindfulness tools such as breathing and journaling that can help us stay centered when things heat up around us.
We talk about hope, how to remain positive in challenging times, and how to move forward.
I enjoyed this conversation immensely and I hope you will as well. 

Is it good or is it bad? – Quest For You 570

Is it good or is it bad? – Quest For You 570

When we face a negative situation, its natural to deem it as something bad. Equally, a pleasant surprise is often considered great news. But these are judgements in the moment and we don’t really know what this event turns into in the long-term. Right now we are all facing adverse circumstances, but can we know for sure what happens down the road? An ancient Chinese parable can help us shift our thinking. 

Why getting up early matters – Quest For You 567

Why getting up early matters – Quest For You 567

Getting up early, earlier than everyone else, and earlier than your normally would, is the most important routine you can have. The answer to the tasks you’re currently not tackling, and the goals you are currently not reaching lies in the early hours of the day. When everyone is asleep, you can get ahead. In this episode I share a strategy that works for me when I am determined to establish a new routine. 

Are we becoming kinder? – Quest For You 565

Are we becoming kinder? – Quest For You 565

Have you observed a trend towards more kindness and generosity in your community? People are stepping up by sharing their content more freely and being more available. There might be a correlation between peace and love. While we are forced into peace, we are reaching out and extending more love. We are seeking connection with others and I believe we are (finally) more proactive about it and more compassionate with each other. Its a good trend. 

Life is who you are – Quest For You 564

Life is who you are – Quest For You 564

Is life good when I am happy, or am I happy when life is good? Life is who you are. We are our life and we are responsible how it plays it.We can’t control what happens in the world around us, but we can control our inner world. This is an important consideration especially during the current pandemic where many of us are at a loss and looking for answers and certainty on the outside. 

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