Browse all Quest For You episodes beginning with the latest: 

What is your routine – Quest For You 046

A routine is the single most effective way to get stuff done. Many people perceive routines as constricting and limiting their freedom and flexibility. I believe, that when you design and adhere to a routine, you will discover freedom, increased productivity, and a path to fulfilling our true potential.

Welcome it – Quest For You 045

What if – instead of opposing everything, a natural default reaction, we start welcoming? No matter how minor the annoyance – instead of resisting – what if we accept it as part of life? This is life. Our life. Wouldn’t it be much more liberating to just accept everything as belonging into our life at this moment?

Mistakes – Quest For You 042

Mistakes. We all make them. But to often, we define ourselves by the mistakes we have made. We become fearful to make another move. Or we dwell on them too long. In this episode we will talk about the opportunities mistakes offer for us. Mistakes are part of life – so make them a part and use them to your advantage.

Taking Shortcuts – Quest For You 038

Life presents us with many opportunities to take shortcuts. We think we are smarter, safe time and earn recognition points with our friends when we decide to take these. Shortcutting the process means shirking responsibility. It prevents us from learning the lessons life needs us to go through so we can become a better and wiser person.

Your goals and your friends – Quest For You 035

Do you struggle with finding time for your friends and at the same time trying to accomplish your goals? It can be hard. What do you prioritize? How do you get your goals done and not lose your friends when you have to say NO all the time? Listen to this episode to find a approach that may work for you.

The people in our life – Quest For You 034

We often don’t choose the people in our life. They are already there, often from our past. But we need to get more proactive and look for people that match our values. In this episode I will review my top 5 character strengths we should seek out in a partner and we should also possess so we can be the best partner and friend.

Difficult Times – Quest For You 033

Difficult times happen to everyone. Some of you may feel singled out, punished in some way or destined with bad luck. After this episode, you will see that struggles happen for a variety of reason. The point is not to dwell on how they happened, but to learn strategies to effectively move through them.

Don’t waste your gifts – Quest For You 031

We have special gifts. But many times we don’t recognize them. And because we don’t realize what they are, we end up wasting them. Or, instead of working on developing them, we give up to soon. This episode will help you become aware of your gifts, however small and insignificant you may think they are.

Meditation II – Quest For You 030

Meditation is overrated – as another activity or thing on your To-Do list. Meditation is underrated – as the solution, the answer, and the cure to your inner dilemmas. This is my second episode on this topic because I deem meditation, or the simple act of becoming still, as the basis for all our other practices.

Making Time – Quest For You 029

Most people struggle with making time for the things they really want to do. A new project, a side-business, a hobby – everything that that is currently not part of our regular schedule is challenging to fit in and then keep up regularly. I have a few suggestion on how you can begin to manage your time so you get to those dreams you have been putting off.

Significance – Quest For You 028

Do you: Focus outward or inward? Take from life or give to life? Believe life is predetermined and unchangeable or do you trust that you can make whatever you wish out of life Success is not everything. You can easily obtain it and yet, still feel empty. We gain significance when we take our success into the world and share it with others.

Our battle with life – Quest For You 027

We battle with life. We don’t accept what we have. This takes us to a place of deficiency and not feeling enough. We then try to fill the void with things and experiences we hope will make us happy. Take a minute today to reflect on the amazing life you have been given and exchange your battle with gratitude. That is when you begin to see opportunities unfold.

When you are stuck – Quest For You 026

Is there that project that you would like to start? The blog, or the website you have been meaning to build? Time is finite and the longer you wait and put things off, the harder it may become to get started. And your dream slowly moves into the background, eventually forgotten. Today we are getting unstuck.

Consuming or Creating – Quest For You 024

How do you spend your days? Do you mostly consume or do you also create? I believe we are all meant to create – some with their body, others with their brains and their mind. We all are endowed with gifts – things we are good at, that come easier to us, that we are passionate about. Let’s start utilizing what we’ve got and let’s create more.

Getting to your Peak – Quest For You 021

I am inspired by the book PEAK that I just finished. In it the authors investigate the topic of deliberate practice versus innate talent. Deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance. And you can apply the techniques of deliberate practice today ?

You are enough – Quest For You 012

What if today everything was perfect? You have everything you need, and you are the person you want to be? Imagine such a day and ask yourself – what is holding me back from having such a day every day? Start by taking responsibility for your thoughts and your feelings because you are enough just the way you are.

Being Present – Quest For You 011

Our mind is constantly at work – planning for the future or rummaging around in the past. There is always something to do, to plan, to take care of. Rarely do we make time for the present moment – taking in what IS right now, listening, paying attention. Cultivating presence means learning to take a break and tune into ourselves.

Possibilities – Quest For You 010

Do you explore all the possibilities when facing decisions, or do you tend to go with the safest route? In this episode I encourage you to look beyond the immediate and go all out. Ask WHAT IF and play with crazy ideas. Why? They open your horizons and they make room in your heart for your passions to unfold.

What are you thinking – Quest For You 009

Have you ever thought about your thoughts? The things that run through your mind all day long? If you take the time to observe them, you will notice how much they run you, and how little you control them. My hope is that after this episode, you will be more alert to the thoughts you are thinking and how you can take more control over them

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