Guard your energy – Quest For You 020

Guard your energy – Quest For You 020

Your energy that you have every day is limited – both your physical and your mental resources. How careful are you about spending your energy? Wasting it on things you cannot control doesn’t support your purpose and only grows more negative energy in your life.

What you value – Quest For You 017

What you value – Quest For You 017

Your values are your compass. They will help you navigate. Do you have a set of clearly defined values? Without knowing what is important to you, how do you decide on important questions in your life? Your values serve as your inner reference point that helps you stay on track.

You are enough – Quest For You 012

You are enough – Quest For You 012

What if today everything was perfect? You have everything you need, and you are the person you want to be? Imagine such a day and ask yourself – what is holding me back from having such a day every day? Start by taking responsibility for your thoughts and your feelings because you are enough just the way you are.

Being Present – Quest For You 011

Being Present – Quest For You 011

Our mind is constantly at work – planning for the future or rummaging around in the past. There is always something to do, to plan, to take care of. Rarely do we make time for the present moment – taking in what IS right now, listening, paying attention. Cultivating presence means learning to take a break and tune into ourselves.

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