Quest Stories: A Mother’s Story – QFY 592

Quest Stories: A Mother’s Story – QFY 592

A life-altering tragedy can be a stopping point for many of us. But not for Marilyn Washington Harris. Her love for her son has guided her through extremely challenging times, and at the same time gave her to fuel to turn her pain into action. Today she helps other mothers who have experienced loss through her organization named after her son and thereby inspires others to not stop with pain, but to move forward with love. 

When things fall apart – Quest For You 591

When things fall apart – Quest For You 591

Things have fallen apart lately quite a bit for all of us. Pema Chödrön’s book offers a light that can help us see in the darkness. And it begins with us. We have to change our grasping for safety and need for control and learn to see the lessons within the challenges before us.  Things falling apart then becomes good news, because it offers us the opportunity to begin again.

Quest Stories: A Food Story – QFY 590

Quest Stories: A Food Story – QFY 590

Meet Sarah Germany – a chef, educator and writer who provides hands-on nutrition, health and wellness education to low income communities of color. In this impactful conversation Sarah dives deep into food – her passion and her struggle with food, and how she turned food into a success story as well as a mission to help others heal with food. She is currently seeking representation her first full-length work, Stories from the Kitchen: There’s Healing at the Table, Ya’ll. And this conversation offers insight into the powerful stories Sarah has to share on her journey of redefining food for us. 

Intimacy with Fear – Quest For You 589

Intimacy with Fear – Quest For You 589

Who likes to talk about fear? The things that worry or scare us are better kept hidden. The problem is, fears find another way to show up. Sadly, that way may be less manageable – anger, jealousy, stress. There is an alternative that Pema Chödrön calls intimacy with fears. Its a befriending and a welcoming of those things that scare us, so we can see what they show us about ourselves and learn to move forward with them. 

Becoming an Essentialist – Quest For You 588

Becoming an Essentialist – Quest For You 588

Tune in as I am sharing some key insights gained from reading Essentialism, a book that reminded me again that I have more control over my life than I often think. Especially during these difficult times, we are distracted more than ever and getting the important goals done can be hard. This book is packed with tips on how to gain control over our life and the things that matter to us.

Do the minimal – Quest For You 587

Do the minimal – Quest For You 587

Inspired by the book Essentialism, I have reconnected with the magic word Action. Action, no matter how tiny, will get us out of any rut. While the world is in a state of confusion and we feel helpless and floating from one day into the next without direction, we can still work towards our goals. Do the minimal viable thing you know will make a difference. It may not get you to your goal tomorrow, but it will pave the path to get there eventually. 

Quest Stories: You have wings – QFY 586

Quest Stories: You have wings – QFY 586

Join me in this wonderful conversation with my friend and the Director of Business Development at the Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute, Mehmet Sevinç. He teaches us how to use personal stories to humanize our workplaces and our lives. When we share more of ourselves, we have the ability to build deeper and more meaningful connections with the people in our life. 

Above the line – Quest For You 585

Above the line – Quest For You 585

At any given time, we are either above the line or below the line. We are above the line when we come from a place of trust and openness. But quite often, we come from below the line, meaning we feel threatened. We react defensively because we want to be right, and that causes conflicts and misunderstanding. In this episode we will talk about becoming more aware of the line which then helps us shift from below to above and have more effective interactions with the people in our life. 

The Four Noble Truths of Love – Quest For You 593

Quest Stories: Together we can – QFY 584

Join my conversation with Cathy DeForest who started a powerful organization called VisionQuilt that aims to reduce gun violence in our communities through art and dialogue. Cathy took action on a dream and combined her knowledge and experience from teaching and art to bring together people and partners to create positive change. The time is ripe for all of us to think on a bigger scale and contribute with our strengths and resources to make this world a better place. Allow yourself to be inspired by Cathy and her mission. 

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