Significance – Quest For You 028

Significance – Quest For You 028

Do you: Focus outward or inward? Take from life or give to life? Believe life is predetermined and unchangeable or do you trust that you can make whatever you wish out of life Success is not everything. You can easily obtain it and yet, still feel empty. We gain significance when we take our success into the world and share it with others.

Our battle with life – Quest For You 027

Our battle with life – Quest For You 027

We battle with life. We don’t accept what we have. This takes us to a place of deficiency and not feeling enough. We then try to fill the void with things and experiences we hope will make us happy. Take a minute today to reflect on the amazing life you have been given and exchange your battle with gratitude. That is when you begin to see opportunities unfold.

When you are stuck – Quest For You 026

When you are stuck – Quest For You 026

Is there that project that you would like to start? The blog, or the website you have been meaning to build? Time is finite and the longer you wait and put things off, the harder it may become to get started. And your dream slowly moves into the background, eventually forgotten. Today we are getting unstuck.

Healing my Sundays

Healing my Sundays

I used to dread Sundays Not Mondays, but Sundays They were the worst day of my week They stood for Good-byes Good bye to the weekend to worry-free time to my grandparents that I had to leave back on my bicycle, later my motorcycle, and then the train to my new home...
You are important – Quest For You 025

You are important – Quest For You 025

You are important. I know that our minds and your thoughts often tell us differently, but today we are going to address it. If you feel insufficient and incomplete at times, then this episode will help you find clarity, direction and the courage to change those feelings.

Consuming or Creating – Quest For You 024

Consuming or Creating – Quest For You 024

How do you spend your days? Do you mostly consume or do you also create? I believe we are all meant to create – some with their body, others with their brains and their mind. We all are endowed with gifts – things we are good at, that come easier to us, that we are passionate about. Let’s start utilizing what we’ve got and let’s create more.

Just be nice – Quest For You 022

Just be nice – Quest For You 022

Nice is the new cool. Its harder, therefore its better. Anyone can get angry. But how about focusing less on your own little world and acknowledge the world around you? Everyone could use a few kind words. Why not be that person to say them? Be nice, and you will find that you feel better doing so.

Getting to your Peak – Quest For You 021

Getting to your Peak – Quest For You 021

I am inspired by the book PEAK that I just finished. In it the authors investigate the topic of deliberate practice versus innate talent. Deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance. And you can apply the techniques of deliberate practice today ?

Accepting is not enough

Accepting is not enough

I am beginning to realize That loving myself doesn’t mean I have to accept everything about me the way it is Loving myself means being patient with change But taking steps forward, every day It means forgiving myself when I take a wrong turn But going back on the path...

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