Do you pay attention do yourself? Be sure you do – because nobody else will. In this episode we will cover key areas in your life that require regular check-ins. This includes discovering your true needs and reconnecting with yourself.
Some of us have fallen to the habit of celebrating every day. However, many of those celebrations have an outward focus, away from ourselves, serving as distraction. In this episode I vote for limiting those kind of celebrations for special occasions, when to be remembered and cherished.
A routine is the single most effective way to get stuff done. Many people perceive routines as constricting and limiting their freedom and flexibility. I believe, that when you design and adhere to a routine, you will discover freedom, increased productivity, and a path to fulfilling our true potential.
What if – instead of opposing everything, a natural default reaction, we start welcoming? No matter how minor the annoyance – instead of resisting – what if we accept it as part of life? This is life. Our life. Wouldn’t it be much more liberating to just accept everything as belonging into our life at this moment?
Join me in this quest for a deeper understanding of authenticity. The term is used loosely. But what does it really mean to be authentic? Like so many important questions in life – we will need to dig deeper for better answers.
There will always be people who disagree with you or your path. Don’t get side-tracked by that. Stay with your conviction. Pursue your goals. Be confident. Always do your best – speak our truth, deliver our greatest work and surrender the rest.
Mistakes. We all make them. But to often, we define ourselves by the mistakes we have made. We become fearful to make another move. Or we dwell on them too long. In this episode we will talk about the opportunities mistakes offer for us. Mistakes are part of life – so make them a part and use them to your advantage.
Do we all need something to believe in? In this episode I argue that we do. Whether it is a religion, a philosophy or just your own understanding of the universe. A belief can serve as a stronghold, it can give us purpose, a reason and it can carry us through difficult times.
What is your intention for your life? What is it you wish for yourself in this life time? How you want to be, live, and show up in the world? Important questions that all lead back to your intentions.
In this episode I review the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. These simple yet so powerful agreements can literally serve as a guideline for your life. If you don’t want to focus on anything but these 4 agreements, you will be on a great journey towards becoming your best Self.
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.