Possibilities – Quest For You 010

Possibilities – Quest For You 010

Do you explore all the possibilities when facing decisions, or do you tend to go with the safest route? In this episode I encourage you to look beyond the immediate and go all out. Ask WHAT IF and play with crazy ideas. Why? They open your horizons and they make room in your heart for your passions to unfold.

What are you thinking – Quest For You 009

What are you thinking – Quest For You 009

Have you ever thought about your thoughts? The things that run through your mind all day long? If you take the time to observe them, you will notice how much they run you, and how little you control them. My hope is that after this episode, you will be more alert to the thoughts you are thinking and how you can take more control over them

We need a vision

We need a vision

For half of my life (at least as of recently) I wandered around aimlessly. I didn’t really have a plan other than what I thought life required: a home that could be admired, a stable job with upward movement, and plenty of fun and entertainment in the form of travel,...
Focus – Quest For You 005

Focus – Quest For You 005

Where is your focus every day? Is it on the things that are most important to you? Or are you preoccupied with small and insignificant matters, distracted by the many products and services this world offers? What is important to you? What do you want to do and accomplish? That is where your focus should be.

Why a quest for you – Quest For you 002

Why a quest for you – Quest For you 002

Welcome to the 2nd Episode of Quest For You. I talk about why the quest for yourself is so critical. We live either in the past or plan for the future. But we spend very little time in the present. Yet, the present moment is what gives us power, energy, and the balance we so desperately seek.

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